About Sinister Tidings

Here you will find a collage of likes and dislikes from RTS’ Spyder Collins. The primary focus is to bring fun and indie flashes of art and not so mainstream artists. There is nothing fancy, revealing, political or otherwise world shaping. Just things, introductions, reminiscing and fun in the world of literature, art and music, to which I hope you enjoy and find some pleasure in.

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Here Be Monsters - An Anthology of Monster Tales

An interesting collection, book-ended by author M.T. Murphy that offers some fun and ghastly (in a good way) reads throughout. The TOC looks like this:

M.T. Murphy - Blackmail.
S.M. Reine - Something Wrong.
India Drummond - The Reaver.
Anabel Portillo - Lux.
Jeremy C Shipp - Figs.
Samantha Anderson - Deals and Demons.
Sara Reinke - Periphery People.
M.T. Murphy - Spider Bag.

I found the editing thread in this anthology a bit odd – perhaps it is just me but I am used to a more traditional single editor compilation and presentation versus the presentation here. That said it still works – well-written tales that offer the “normal” twists (Deals and Demons) to the not so “normal” twists (Lux).

The books cover is exceptional – love the mood but a bit deceptive for those vampire lovers, though if you read the fine print you will know (who reads fine print these days)? The art that sits at the end of the anthology seems misplaced and an afterthought BUT I must say that Alissa Rindels’ Midnight Requiem is exquisite – it may have sealed the anthology for me.

Odd to is there is no publisher listed – at least that I could find.

So, the gem in the bunch here is “Lux.” A dark and malevolent tale of a lost soul strung up for dark dreams, monsters and horrific truths to slap at like a human piñata. I relish in the darkness of this story. The underbelly of evil itself resides in Anabel’s twisted muse, a muse I would like to get to know. An assassin, curator or victim – which is the real protagonist here … witty and twisted is this futuristic-horrific drama worthy of novel status not short.

Reinke’s “Periphery People” was well crafted and visionary. Her words are descriptive to the point of being cinematic but not so that the scene is hers, it definitely belongs to the reader. I adore Mel (Melanie, a lovely name, less shortened); she is a wonderfully crafted character who I actually cared about. All in all a nice soul eater tale with a not so ordinary plot providing another reason this anthology is a “yes!” on the library list.

Some not so exciting things in this TOC but overall – yeah, good read. It is still a wonder, the mind behind the anthology and the purpose but perhaps reading over the TOC lends a clue …

Saturday, June 29, 2013

In my humble opinion

Networking is a bitch but necessary if you want to succeed.

On the writer's iPod - Icon For Hire

Music for many writers is an influence or something that stimulates, calms or irritates the muse and from this comes the words that we place on paper . Music, much like writing, has a ton of genres and subgenres and each stimulates each writer in a different way. Though it is true not all writers write to tunes, some prefer the quiet, while others enjoy the sound and feel at their local coffee shop or deli but music can truly provide a catalyst for the muse. 

Here however we are going to talk a little about a band who calls themselves ‘Icon for Hire.’ Their debut studio album, 'Scripted' is an exceptional example of a multi-genre set. 

Icon’s eleven track CD is one of those rare offerings from bands today that provide a near perfect track list, where near every tune is a deck hit. For writers, recommendations heavily point to tracks 2, 3, 6, 8, and 11.

1."Overture" (Instrumental)
3."Make a Move"
4."Get Well"
5."The Grey”
6."Off With Her Head"
8."Up In Flames"
10."Only A Memory"

Another point of interest with this CD is the lyrics. There are some very solid verses that add to the appeal of Icon For Hire’s appeal:


“I say I wanna be happy but I quickly forget.
When I sabotage all the good I've got left.
Depression's like a big fur coat.
It's made of dead things but it keeps me warm.”


“I'm gonna burn this theater down
And pray to God for the strength to help me face the crowd,
I wanna live like I lost the script
And scream every line like "this is it!"”

Icon for Hire’s Scripted is well worth a listen and an impressive addition to any writer’s iTune (or MP3) library.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

The Boy Who Cried Zombie (Zombie A.C.R.E.S.) - Joshua Cook

This is a collection of there short stories by Joshua Cook that more than teased then told complete tales in my estimation but overall were entertaining, tight and well-written tales. If the Z scene is yours then you will enjoy these read otherwise you may find yourself flat and bored. Much like vampi tales you either you love them or you hate them.

Each tale had its own little tie into the A.C.R.E.S (Animated Corpse Reintegration Experimental Subdivision – cleaver, maybe) but what I found most peculiar was the ‘From the A.C.R.E.S’ which felt like filler to make the book longer – not needed, the stories stand on their own.

The Interview – Zombies and the pharmaceutical companies, shame on them. Tough love follows Gee as she discovers her family and zombies but is able to save her sister. Lastly, the books title story – is a quaint little tale of nerd and girl. These are just that, zombie tales. Nothing creative here but written in entertaining language with nice descriptive tone.

Give it a page turn or two and then go explore the world of Zombie A.C.R.E.S. I think you’ll enjoy your stay.  

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

South Aurora

RTS continues to “play” in this arena, not knowing what the hell we are doing and just throwing our collective thoughts into it. Obviously, when looking at what we loosely call a “comic” one can see we have a ways to go.

So far, it has been a fun ride and has enabled a few of our resident’s (Odbal and Victoria) to work together for the first time. If you have the opportunity, have a peek at SA here – South Aurora.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The 18 month wait - a rejection story

I generally take my rejection with grin, angst or a pondering hmmm … depending on the fashion of the rejection. I had a short story out for, wait for it, eighteen months. I will leave the name of the magazine and editor alone only because it is a market that I have published with before and hope to again. That said, as I type this and the thoughts of a lost eighteen months fume in my head, I wonder if I ever will submit again.

So, here’s my brief tale and I am certain I am not alone with this.

I submitted a story to a magazine (print) market 18 mos. and some days ago. The guidelines stated it would be a six month wait before the submitters would hear back, no kidding. So, patiently I waited the six months and gave them another thirty days prior to my inquiry. Expecting a quick, “Oh, sorry. Here’s your form rejection letter.” Instead, I received this:


Thank you for your query. During this past period we were open for submissions we received a large amount of quality work, yours being one of them. Although we are beyond our reading and reply period, we ask for your patience. Our editor has been hard at working reviewing and deciding on the stories he would like to purchase.

Your continued patience is appreciated.”

So, I am seven months committed, what’s a few more days, perhaps week. Sure, try months. Three more months passed and frankly I was hard at work on another project and had honestly forgotten about my ten month submission (I know unacceptable, should always stay on top of it). I queried once again, and:


You are an extraordinarily patient writer (insert sucker). Your work is one of three that we are looking to purchase. We are currently drafting up the contracts and request your continued patience as we are in the midst of changing some of our staff.

Kindest regards.”

By now, I am wondering if by staff they mean editor, I query back.


"Current editor remain in place, thank you for your query.”

Odd, I suppose but they’ve sucked me in this far. When I hit the year mark with my story, I withdrew it. Told the magazine that the process was unprofessional and unfair to the writer (me) … they agreed and accepted my withdrawal. I floated the story in the meantime, about thirteen months after my initial send-away.
I received a contract from the magazine, sixteen months to the day I submitted my work. Now, I was really puzzled. I queried them and received:


We were hoping that the work was still available and that you would be understanding enough to want to entertain our offer of publication.  

Thank you”

I truncated part of this as they got into specifics on money and “incentive” for my “hassles.” I sat on the contract for a month, never hearing from them. Really, waiting to see myfate with the other market – rejected.

I signed and returned the contract … crickets … more crickets … yet more … until.


Than you’re for submitting your story “X” unfortunately, it is not right for our current needs. As you are probably aware our editions are themed based and this submission comes to us at a time when our next publication is looking for something other than what you have presented. Please be sure to keep up with our guidelines.

Regards …”

I have my WTF query in with them now … crickets … sigh.

Monday, June 24, 2013

The Turning: Bound to Darkness - April M. Reign

I have to say this story maybe could have used a little love from Victoria – it was at times hard to stomach – but I try not to be ultra critical of editing errors (Lord knows I make them) when I want to discuss a book. It is true that this particular story proves difficult to follow based on those errors but if you can overlook them, there are possibilities here.

Bound to Darkness isn't just a cookie cutter vampi story filled with suspense, brutality and the normal vampirism and characterizations. I am a on the fence reader of vampire stories, I either enjoy them or find them very ordinary. Here we have perhaps something no so ordinary.

The premise of the story is about the turning of two twins that were born into a vampire clan. The plot follows the emotional realization and dramatic events surrounding the forthcoming event. If you want YA vampire romance, this is not for you. Something along the lines of a brutal somewhat suspense filled tale of vampire fantasy then grab it for a look.

The story moves along well and provides much detail and emotion to keep the plot moving. You find yourself genuinely invested in the twins and their coming plight. Whether that is that the escape the life or that they are dragged in the lifestyle that so many envy.  This is certainly not a love story or a commercial spin on the Twilight Saga, this is a cold and true story of brutality and the life of vampires.

It is as also a prequel to The Turning vampire series, which one can only imagine, will center on the vampire clan associated to the twins – worth a look in my estimation. Don’t expect grand things here but as far as entertainment value, yes. Again, caution on the edit issues. If you are a stickler on this – as many are and should be- I advise you move along. Otherwise, Bound to Darkness will provide you some entertainment value and open you up to the mind of April M. Reign.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

In my humble opinion

From time to time, I will provide my humble opinion on various topics. Now I realize the most of you if not all of you, probably are not interested in my opinion but it’s my blog and vent spot so, what the hell.

Here you will find short quips generally about in general things, may be as quick as a single word or drag on for several paragraphs as I vent or discuss my thoughts on a certain topic.

For the record, this is meant to be tongue in cheek mostly, fun and perhaps revealing. You of course do not have to agree and are free to reciprocate, or if you'd like agree or stray off topic. Just saying – free forum nonetheless.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Killer of Demons - Chris Yost and Scott Wegener

Killer of Demons is a three-issue miniseries from Image Comics. The series follows the odd adventures of Dave Sloan, your quintessential no fun, mundane junior account executive with one exception. He can see demons, and there are loads of demons. Not the kind the hide in seedy corners or the ones that reside in your head whispering dirty little things, demon. Demons that walk, talk and act just like you and me.  They look like your neighbor, cashier at the corner store, cop that pulled you over for speeding, your boss, wife, even your kid. To you and me however, they look entirely normal. Dave Sloan however sees them for what they are.

His sidekick is a cigar-smoking cherub who urges him along and tells him it is his heavenly duty to kill all these demons. Chris Yost and Scott Wegener do a wonderful job with the tongue in cheek demon slayer comic, which begs the question, is Dave Sloan a serial killer or actually the hand of God?

Demons are everywhere so needles to say Dave and his cherub sidekick are quite the busy pair, though the cherub is simple there to antagonize Dave into carrying out his “duty.” The blood flows freely and often and the dialog is comical, sensible and entertaining.

Overall, this is an entertaining and fun series. The art is dynamic and telling and the storyline flows and is well thought-out. I enjoyed  it and was disappointed it ended after three issues, though they are graphic novel in length (mostly) not your typical comic book offering.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Dark Vigil – Revisited

So, why not take a moment and shamelessly plug by collection - Dark Vigil – Revisited? Well, here goes –

Dark Vigil – Revisited is a collecting of religious based short story. Each story delves into the darker side of religion, not necessarily angels versus demons but everyday people and how they handle their demons. Below is a look at the TOC and a little snippet on each tale.

Enziel – of Fallen Devils:

Cheryl and Marcus Henderson are a loving couple. There is one thing missing in their lives, a child. When Cheryl comes across a boy standing naked in a fountain, her motherly instincts kick in. Little does she know that this boy, Enziel, is a reject of hell.


An open letter to God, written with the blood of an unborn child.

Concede – the First Circle of Hell:

Lorna and Mia are messengers from Hell and their message can be heard loud and clear. Lorna is the teacher and Mia the not so excited pupil, but class must go on at any cost.


What happens when Angels show remorse towards the forsaken?

Liquid Echo:

An Angel, a bowl and an eternity of suffering.

The Cleansing of Vildar:

An ambitious tale set in a time before time. Follow the purgatorial judgment of one man as he struggles with his past and his lost love.


Arianna Tyler is a sinner but aren’t we all? An unwanted infant and a second thought lead to a dark and lonely trek down Hell’s lane.

Flames of Tartarus:

Take a trip along the River Styx with Dakota as he realizes Hades and all the myths and legends are in fact real. In this epic tale, you will find much to relish in and much to fear.


Ever want to interview a demon? Call on Benny, he’ll oblige though you may not care for his fee.


Caitlin is a tease, a bar maiden who loves to talk about God and tease the patrons. That is until she ran across, Johnny.

The Killing of Angels

The torment and ultimate death of an angel. This richly dark and tasty tale provides a glimpse into the underbelly of Heaven.


Travel to the absolute bottom of the ocean, at the request and handsome purse of two priests. What resides at the bottom of the ocean is far more sinister than odd-looking fish.

Dark Vigil – Revisited is a fun read – with devilish details related to all things sinister. Pick up a copy, won’t you? Dark Vigil – Revisited @ Amazon.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

The Last Orc - A Ressurection Project

Some know about this project, first novel by one Aspen Lee - it is back on the editing table being looked at along with many of our other resurrected tales and dealings - hope you enjoy the taste.

The Last Orc

 Fall of the Shandtowa Clan

Death crossed a barren land. A landscape punished by years of drought brought on by an unrelenting sun. The hardened loam of a valley once teaming with life lay crumbled in heaps. Its soil had not entertained life in near a decade’s time. Still the sun poured its heartless rays upon an already singed terrain. Death still rules this place once called Grayland. Spilt blood colored the fissures of the land in a terracotta tint. Bodies still litter this place, scattered about like fleeting memories of the long since departed.

Chapter One

The battle raged well into the afternoon. The sun perch high overhead adding an additional beating to the battle weary warriors. The clatter of steel and laboring clay beneath boot and weight of armor clad Orc and troll menace (officially referred to as the Molgold) echo through the valley and had long sense sent any life fleeing to dark crevices or sunken caves far from harms way. Though cries of agony flow through the valley like rumbling white water, keeping what might otherwise been a still valley. The wails pour from both Orc and Molgold lungs alike and was distinct from anything heard in these once docile parts. No more would serenity prevail, the Grayland burst into battle over the Ports of the Devil’s Spine and the Bird Coast. All left the valley except the dead, dying, war weary and those dispatched to fetch reinforcements. All that is but the vultures that circle tirelessly, threading their way between one another in the deep cerulean sky. Waiting for the opportunity to pick at the flesh that lie baking beneath the heartless sun.
The pre-dawn attack of the Molgold was expected but somehow the numbers were more than even the most imaginative could have conjured. The sound of their footsteps resonated like the din of crashing waves on a rocky coast. The coming light was snuffed by the sheer wave of their massive numbers. Like the unfolding wings of a raven, they covered the rising sun and battled back the light. By all accounts a frightful and intimidating affair as they approached from the north. Having taken the port village of Tressary, they now marched to the capital of Shandtowa, laying waste to all in its path. Like a virus the Molgold, foul and brooding, moved through the valley, infecting the very land they walked across. When the halted to indulge in the moment just before the attack, it became clear that many-many Orc and Molgold would perish this day.
Thankfully, the Molgold were clumsy and ill-prepared for battle against the feral and cunning Orc. The Shandtowa Clan was well versed in combat, their prowess and ferocity was unparalleled as was their loyalty and honor. They would stand their ground in protection of their capital and their queen. To the last Orc, to the last drop of their blood. The Molgold held great numbers over the Orc and although they were disorganized and modestly equipped their numbers alone made them formidable. This could make a lesser Orc tire or lose proficiency in battle, of which makes them susceptible to the wave of a sword, axe or mace of which seem never-ending.
There is one that stands tall among the Shandtowa Clan, however. A great and legendary warrior who has killed countless foe. The one known as Tremor, their leader who does so with reverence and decorum but also with a hard and fast law. There is no place in the Orc Clan for disobedience or malice towards fellow clansman and Tremor rule to these laws is unwavering. Tremor is a vicious Orc with akin of the deepest jade tint, stark crimson scars riddle his arms and chest from numerous battles. His eyes burn emerald, bright against his tone but yield a sinister glint that causes those in his presence to recoil. His chest rolls out two to three times that of the average Orc. Bolstered by pride and impressive muscles that jut outward and spread impressive and wide. His massive hands encompass and constrict around whatever he grasps onto, be it the hilt of his sword or the throat of a Molgold, his grip is without rival on than not even the Heavens can resign.
Tremor has not been challenged since he took the reigns of the Shandtowa Clan army. Perhaps this is because of the way he dispatched, Vulgar from the ranks. A swift and blood coup d'état to which he struck down his rival, not with sword or mace but with bare hand. His arcane and demonic slaughtering of those who oppose his clan or chose to skirt his laws, perhaps is another deterrent. Tremor is true to the last, feared as much as he is respected but make no mistake about it, death awaits those who defy him.
The battle wages on.
Tremor had dispatched a young clansman to returns to the Ashen Shore, to bring back more able and willing Orc. Help had not arrived and he sensed that it might not. Could this be his last stand? All the time he spent defending his kind, to rebuild a great nation to which his clan could be proud of, was it all to end here. Tremor dug deep and let out a howl of a great beast. The sound drowned out the clash of steel and the cries of agony and for a moment, the fields of blood and death stilled as all in presence halted to revel or fear the sound that echo as if the Heaven’s carried the message. If only for a brief moment, the silence seem to hang in the air like the sweet smell of honeysuckle or the melodious hum from a Siren upon a longing pirate’s sigh.
The battle returns. ...

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

House of Justice: A Short Horror Story - Vincent Bivona

The House of Justice is a short story from 2011 that defines creepy or spooky. This throw back short story from Vincent Bivona is a throwback horror tale that feeds on the nerves and keeps you turning the pages (and perhaps your stomach turning). Great read that is crafted well and rides the cusp of gore in a tasteful and appropriate way.

The characters are well thought out and defined as the story moves along. It isn’t a mystery or sleuth book so don’t worry if you “get it” early on. The ride to the end is enjoyable and the happening to the folks who deserve the wrath is delightful.

As short stories go, this is a well-woven tale of horror. It brought me to more reads by Vincent Bivona and to those (Second Coming and Bryce) I recommend as well. If nothing else enjoy a good short read and check out The House of Justice, you won’t be dissatisfied. 

For more on this author visit him here.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

The Last Church - Lee Pletzers

The Last Church is a sinister and frenzied look at my home (yikes).

The year is 2368 and Peter Clement is about to tumble into the void. The Last Church is Pletzers’ vision of a post apocalyptic New Zealand in this suspense-filled book of darkness and sinister questions.

The Last Church isn’t your run of the mill horror tale, it is a smart and twist filled tale that crosses genre lines in a smooth and not so obvious way. Pleasing is the darkness and enchanting the thrall of religion as the tale unfolds and deeper secrets revealed.

This is the first reading by this author and I am most content with the result. Other tales in his library have caught my eye and I will certainly partake when the time is appropriate. With a authoritative style and distinctive spin on his words, Lee Pletzers certainly has the ability to open many doors and drag his readers into the pit of his personal despair.

Open your mind, reveal your soul and chose sides as the epic battles within The Last Church gets underway. I part with one simple point of advice, chose your side shrewdly. 

 For more information on the author visit him here.

Monday, June 17, 2013

RTS Staff – Victoria Arkoski

I met Victoria at the University of Auckland. We were both enrolled in the Faculty of Arts programme. Seeing her from time to time on campus, I never gave much thought about it. She, an attractive woman but very reserve, me a mild guy with eyes on the end game and not much of a social butterfly. The connection just never occurred.

That is until I ventured into a Russian language class as an elective. I thought initially, why not try something out of the ordinary. Certainly, the Spanish, French and German language courses would muster the larger class populations and Russian would give me a break from such classes cluttered with students.

I was right – very much so.

I have never taken an elective so complicated in my programme up until I took Russian. In the class, sitting on the professors platform maintaining notes and providing dialect support for the professor, was Victoria. Viktoria Anna Arkoski (changed to Victoria when she became a NZ National). During my struggles with the language, Victoria became more of a teacher to me than the professor did.

I learned that Victoria was displaced from the Ukraine and not by choice. She hailed from a small commons called Zatoka. Now, I am not going to tell you she made her way to New Zealand that is something she will have to share. The story as you could imagine is extraordinary and quite sad. It was during her time helping me that we struck up a friendship. She assisted my pathetic attempts at the complex Russian language and I helped her with the Kiwi dialect.

Victoria and I struck-up a friendship that has survived my movement to America and her brief return to the Ukraine. She is in America now as well and I am most pleased she is. Her tie to RTS comes from my request most recently to add her unique view of things. You see, Victoria experiences are of things most of us only see in the movies.

She is truly from another time.

In time, you will come to read the darker side of Victoria, for now she engrosses us in the world she escaped to as a child, like that which you can read here. Until then…

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Leiche (Corpse)


By Kate Young


They are crawling on me again.  The slimy slithering worms and those bugs that snip and bite and carry little pieces of me away, how I detest them, and how I loath those who have done this to me.  The bugs, how they devour and enjoy in the play of my decaying flesh, the annoying little pest that come in a seemingly never-ending parade.
   I would scream, but I fear no one would hear me.  As I am certain that, no one gathers to listen.  They have left me here to rot, for I do not know how long.  The cold heartless ones who shed false tears as I called out to them to help me, they walked by, slowly one by one, their swollen eyes saying their dispassionate good-byes.
            Then they left.  The darkness crept in on me.  Now, I lay in that darkness so very alone.  Alone except for the bugs that feast on the buffet that is my being.  How long must I endure.  I cry-out now, and as I expected, no one hears me.  I call to the angels but they do not reply.  I recall the phrase "To judge the living and the dead."  And wonder if I am to lay here in this pit until He arrives.
   They are feasting on my eyes and are burrowing into my ears.  I can see a hint of them.  Their long legs dig into my pupil, penetrating the delicate lining.  The slithering within my ears is deafening now.  What is to become of my once my flesh has been eaten away, I wonder?
              I watch the critter as it carries away the yielding white of my eyes.  The darkness deepens.  A revelation occurs to me, one I thought impossible.  Is this my cruel fate, I shall lay here very blind as they continue to feast.  I defy the satire; nothing could be as villainous as this.
            Kill me-kill me I call out, but I am already dead.  I wallow as the last of my sight quickly diminishes.  How utterly malevolent I assert, in my blind grave.  More come, like a horde to canvass my body.  Are these the angels coming to carry me away, piece by piece?

I am going insane I tell you.  This fate, this death, this after-life, it is far barbarous than any hell I know of.  They come, more, I can feel them, and I am powerless against them.  How dare those who claim to love me do such a thing?  How dare they pray over my grave for a peaceful sleep?  There is no rest in this box.  There is no peace as the creatures they come, unyielding and merciless.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Free Five - Flash Fiction from Paul D Dail

I have a confession - I never really knew what flash fiction was until recently. I didn't think it was some bizarro fiction where somehow the author flashed you during the reading of his or her story. Nor did I picture it as fiction sold from beneath a trench coat. It was just a form of writing I never paid much attention to.

Stories from 300 to 1k in length are widely accepted as flash fiction. I found it intriguing and was somewhat skeptical that an author could pen a meaningful story in such brevity. I happened upon Free Five - Flash Fiction from Paul D. Dail  via Amazon and decided "what the hell."

Product Details

As the title suggest, there are five tales of flash fiction (horror) presented between the virtual pages.

Of the five tales, I must say each one was exception and stood n its own merits. Being skeptical going in and reading, The Professional Crier going in was probably the best thing that ever happened to me as far as wanting to consume more flash fiction. This one short, concise, simple yet complex story about a young woman named Penny Circe. Penny is a loner, quirky, a bit odd and has grown up around dead people.

Dead people, as in a mortuary. There is little sense in spending much time defining the tale, as I could not do it justice in something less than a thousand words. It is wonderfully written and kept me reading. There are four other tales to indulge in, all well crafted. Aside from The Professional Crier, I also fell in love with Run, Rabbit, Run.

Highly recommend for purposes of reading and if you are interested in the craft of flash fiction, Free Five - Flash Fiction from Paul D. Dail is a wonderful tutorial on how to write flash fiction and is ridiculously entertaining.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Roaming the Web and Social Media – A.H. Browne

As I wander about and take in more of the talent that the web and Social Media has to offer, I come across interesting, fun and talented people. From time to time, I would like to share my thoughts on their work with you.

Up first is, A.H. Browne – author of the Dark Illusions Series (which is currently lighting up my Kindle) and Dragon’s Dawn (on deck). A Seattle based author with a sprite personality and an eye on what most writer’s desire – success. Her words are tight, crisp and keep a steady flow of interest and intensity.


Thus far, I am quite enthralled in the world of character and mood she has weaved and expect great things as I turn each page. I recommend you head on over to her dark corner of the web and get to know the words and word of A.H. Browne.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Cover Art Update - Angels versus Zombies

RTS is currently commissioning cover art for Angels versus Zombies - RTS has a few thoughts in mind but is of course open to artistic impression.  Please communicate your interest  and idea or willingness to consider our concept with links to your work or attach portfolio an send to RTS - HERE: ART SUBMISSION

COMMISSION PERIOD OPENS - open now (RTS will select artist based on art provided and negotiations)

PAY - $50.00 after acceptance of final work


RIGHTS - Full rights granted to RTS upon payment. Artist will receive appropriate credit.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Why do you write?

I don’t know about you but I have been asked that question several times over my career. By people in the business, friends, peers and complete strangers, all have asked me. I always (well mostly) respond in the same vague mood – “Because, I love it.” That is not always true of course but what else do you say. I want to be rich. I want to be famous. I want to be the next big thing … none of these fit me. The one vision of grandeur that I do have is to see my work in film. Cannot claim to have been there but I can boast that I have been close.

Of course, no one cares about close. No one cares (or perhaps even believes you) that you have had a book make it to the acquisition editor at a New York House (no less) but just didn’t make it onto the spring catalog, or the following winter catalog and ultimately was dropped. Or, that your script that you worked on tirelessly for nearly two years was purchased but never moved beyond the shelf of some film studio executive’s office, until it too was tossed aside.

These efforts and outcomes coupled with hundreds of rejects that range form mundane form letters to flaming rejections that insult your abilities or fundamental attributes that make you a human. None of this lends itself for a confidence session. Still, we trudge on. We write, submit, wait and wallow in disappointment. Then why write? Like I said, “Because, I love it.”

I don’t write for the editor who was a failed writer, or the editor who is successful at his or her craft for that matter. I don’t write for my confidence, nor do I write with the hopes of being the next King, Saul, Koontz or Barker. I write for the love of it and the one or two of you out there that read my prose.

I will write in some form until my dying day, if able. I will wallow in self-pity and the parade of rejects and forget them all with each publication, no matter how small. In an odd way, it makes me happy … it’s good to be happy, no?

Monday, June 10, 2013

RTS Upcoming Projects

We’ve been getting a nice response to the need for cover art, thank you. We haven’t narrowed anything down, of course and are still welcoming more art:

Angels Versus Zombies

Quick Snippets:

Genre -- Horror
Commissioning -- Cover Art

RTS is currently commissioning cover art for Angels versus Zombies - please provide in jpg/jpeg format as an attachment to an email. Please resize your art either on your desktop or here as we do not want 10 MB files sent our way (for obvious reasons). PLEASE NOTE - RTS will hold ALL rights to your art if accepted.

SUBMISSION - open now - acceptance of art closes 7/26 - no exceptions.

PAY - $25.00 after acceptance to your PayPal account (no PayPal account, please do not submit).

REVIEW PERIOD - 30 days after close of acceptance period.

NOTIFICATION - we will try and notify you as soon as possible, in some cases may be as soon as the day after.

Also, please do remember that RTS has both Angels Versus Zombies and Mother of Gothic Angels on tap – the guidelines are here – RTS Anthologies

Some info -

Mother of Gothic Angels

Quick Snippets:

Genre -- Horror
Word Count -- 2k to 4k
Payment -- None
Story Status -- Unpublished
Submission Period -- July 1st through October 1st (not before)
Illustrations -- Please
Reading Period --  October 1st through December 1st
Response Time -- 30 days after end of submission period
Publication Target -- First Quarter 2014 (or earlier)

Angels Versus Zombies

Quick Snippets:

Genre -- Horror
Word Count -- 2k to 4k
Payment -- None
Story Status -- Unpublished
Submission Period -- August 1st through November 1st (not before)
Illustrations -- Please
Reading Period --  November 1st through January 1st
Response Time -- 30 days after end of submission period
Publication Target -- First quarter 2014


Saturday, June 8, 2013

Blood Rain

Blood Rain

I am taken in by her verd antique eyes,
Her crimson lips so delicate and fine.
The way she saunters my way,
Her curves, how they intoxicate.

She is pulchritude beyond reason,
Her voice is elegant as the silk that drapes her skin.
She approaches and parts her lips,
I quiver, trapped in her sensual stare.

Her skin, so supple to the touch,
She speaks softly to me, "Tell me you love me."
The words spill from my mouth,
Closer she takes me, her arms embrace.

She smells as a spring morn,
Aromatic, my senses arouse as she caresses me.
Standing back, she smiles seductively,
Flash enamel sparkle as saliva drips from them.

She takes me, as I give into her,
Rapture in pain I feel as the blood drips beneath.
I look down at the drops of blood,
They dot the ground below like raindrops, one by one.

I fall, but know I will rise again.
To stand with my beloved, Blood Rain...