About Sinister Tidings

Here you will find a collage of likes and dislikes from RTS’ Spyder Collins. The primary focus is to bring fun and indie flashes of art and not so mainstream artists. There is nothing fancy, revealing, political or otherwise world shaping. Just things, introductions, reminiscing and fun in the world of literature, art and music, to which I hope you enjoy and find some pleasure in.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Devil's Nightmare - Robert Pruneda

For some, perhaps, when the read the title they thought “ wha-? Who authorized this guy to write my biography?” I conjured up some wonderful scenarios, such as a Freudian look at the Devil’s dreams and their sexual impetrations or an intimate look at the Devil’s apparent “bitch” of a wife.  Wonder if the poor bastard is married – have to ask the next time I see him. One would think I would know if that was the case, but trust mw when you are around that bloke you want to get away as quickly as possible. Leaves scant time for small talk.
This crime, thriller, mystery (not horror) book offers some shocking detail about a series of murders. The story centers on a lone wolf detective named Aaron Sanders who must put the pieces together (on his own).  

The boy is an enigma. The killings he witnessed, the entity that seemingly haunts him is very well played out. The suspense is well manufactured, the thrills (I guess that is the term for a thriller) is hard and gruesome but not too much on the horror realm vice mystery, say.

Ending was predictable but most are.

For the reader – great pick-up and something if the genre is up your virtual library aisle, you will enjoy. I dare say this might be a sit down and finish book, it is that much fun to read.

For the writer – suspense is rich here. Atmosphere is nicely spooned and the overall mood of the story keeps its momentum. Not sold on character development but plotting is well storyboarded.