About Sinister Tidings

Here you will find a collage of likes and dislikes from RTS’ Spyder Collins. The primary focus is to bring fun and indie flashes of art and not so mainstream artists. There is nothing fancy, revealing, political or otherwise world shaping. Just things, introductions, reminiscing and fun in the world of literature, art and music, to which I hope you enjoy and find some pleasure in.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Kickstarter: Boston Metaphysical Society

Hey Peeps,

Not my normal MO, but this is for an excellent cause and a great opportunity to support Indie comics and a wonderful woman, artist and creator - Madeleine Holly-Rosing! Please have a visit to her comic web-home Boston Metaphysical Society and support this endeavor and ones to follow through Kickstarter.

Don't be fooled because the goal was reached, in one day. This is a indication of the quality of her project and your added support will continue her efforts. Be a part of it -

Monday, January 20, 2014

Indie Art Stop - Nadia Isakova

Ms. Isakova brings an exceptional eye for beauty. I found her pictures to be inspiring in many ways. The clarity, vision and mood of her photography is fantastic. Enjoy:

Of course, all pics are the property of Nadia Isakova and are used here only to display her talent and urge you to explore and purchase form her.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Absolute Darkness (Ten Horror Stories) - Dan Shade

Absolute Darkness is a collection of ten (10) short horror tales from author Dan Shade. The title itself had me hitting the buy button. If there is one thing I enjoy reading, it's a good horror short. Here we have ten, by one author nestled between  a virtual dust jacket - I was sold.

As I began to read the anticipation seemed to peak and valley as the first tale Freudian Slip unfolded. Let's just say I love blood in a tale but enjoy it more if it has a purpose. Three more tales past and then came a short tale entitled 'The Thief.' At last - something with meat and a exceptional story. I enjoyed the cross genre presentation and the tastefully done buffet of shock and gore.

Much of the other tales involve some cross genre too but mostly slight humor or erotica. Still decent and entertaining reads. I will say I chuckled a few times and not because of bad writing, rather good entertaining humor. 

For the writer … format on Absolute Darkness could have been cleaner between stories. There is some good examples of cross genre writing, mainly The Thief and Neighbours. Some nice setting notes as well, Checkout and The Pool.

For the reader - if you enjoy your horror in variety you will like many of the stories but probably not all. Narcotikos, Night Caller and Nightwalker for example, but then again you might just love them. For .99 cents, it is certainly worth considering. 

Monday, January 13, 2014

On the writer's iPod – UNSUN

UnSun (on FB) is fronted by Anna "Aya" Stefanowicz coupled with her husband Maurycy "Mauser" Stefanowicz and completed by Patryk "Patrick" Malinowski  on bass and Wojtek "Gonzo" Błaszkowski on drums. As one might gather, they hail from Poland and provide a unique Gothic infused rock sound that my muse finds unique.

As music goes, so goes the muse and a diverse muse is a happy muse. As you learn of the influences one might think that my muse is just “all over the place” and perhaps she is but she is happy. Anna Stefanowicz provides a haunting and dramatic voice to her library. UnSun (web presence) is a remarkable ensemble with deeps roots in rock and roll with apparent influences. Their European flair adds a sundry sound that sets them apart.

On the virtual turntable that fuels my muse you will find such masterfully crafted tunes as – Not Enough, Lost Innocence, Whispers and Bring Me to Heaven. With two studio albums (The End of Life and Clinic for Dolls) under their belt, UnSun (sample) is showing their staying power and growing fan base. Give them a listen …

Take a peek at UnSun and Whispers:

Monday, January 6, 2014

Indie Art Stop: Nomi Chi

Here is some work from Vancouver's Nomi Chi - love the darkness in the otherwise not dark appearance, perhaps just me -

Find Nomi here:


And a sample - one of my faves: