About Sinister Tidings

Here you will find a collage of likes and dislikes from RTS’ Spyder Collins. The primary focus is to bring fun and indie flashes of art and not so mainstream artists. There is nothing fancy, revealing, political or otherwise world shaping. Just things, introductions, reminiscing and fun in the world of literature, art and music, to which I hope you enjoy and find some pleasure in.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

3:53 a.m.: Nocomus Columbus

So, another serial short story that leads to book II. I ask myself time and time again, why? Why move one story into two or three in short story bites other than to charge for each tale hoping those who bought the first will buy the second, third or so on?

This one is an adult themed tale that follows four distinct teens with predictable dreams that come crashing down around them. Nocomus has a steady pen and has some following among the KDP world, one wonders. His voice is certainly has own and not carried from those of other writers. He has a certain sense of timing that one could claim is unique, as well.

There is not much need to go into detail as the tale has already been reported to you. I have not read book II nor do I foresee me doing so. This of course is my humble opinion and my suggestion is to move along to another story on the shelf.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Spyder's musical Minute: The Pretty Reckless

Check out the new single: Going to Hell – you’ll want to join Taylor.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Spyder's ridiculously short movie review: 3 Day’s to Kill

Meh … there is not much to complain about or get excited about. Decent film for what it is.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Metro Star Murders: James Kipling

Don’t know the author, though I feel like I should. Metro Stars Murders takes place in a hotel, the mundane, “you check in but you don’t check out” theme. Been there done that before, no? Well, of course you have but wait! That does not necessarily mean that Mr. Kipling isn’t onto something here.

Hideous murders committed within the hotel have the guests spooked and the proprietor, one Sandra Jones mystified. The killings are not subtle by any stretch. They are gruesome and well drawn out by the author. Atmosphere of a haunting nature resides between the pages, which I love. As with other stories in this vein, everyone and no one is a suspect. The tale weaves around guests and staff, leaving the reader to be the detective.

I am not much of a serial killer reader and not much for suspense but admittedly, Metro Star Murders had me guessing, ponder and getting involved. That is saying something. To say the storyline is predictable in a sense is true but what unfolds between the pages will take you on a few detours. I did enjoy the central character of Michael Young, the detective. I don’t know about you but police in many books leave me cheering for the bad guy. Here, I believe you will be on Michael’s side.

All in all I found the story to be crisp, not necessarily new but well written, which overcame the ‘same old’ storyline. If you are looking for horror, maybe not but if suspense or the overused “thriller” is your bag then this is a must. Cheers, Kipling – well done. 

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Spyder’s comic minute: Harley Quinn – Amanda Conner

If there is such a thing as a “man’s world” in publishing, I would say the genre of comics would be it. Not saying that to start an argument, so please excuse me if you feel otherwise. Amanda Conner, yes a woman, has certainly made an impression on the genre and her series “Harley Quinn” is simply amazing.

It’s about time! I have always been a fan of Harley Quinn. She is fun, quirky, cute and sinister. The series, thus far captures her personality perfectly. In this comic Harley Quinn is all the things I mentioned and perfectly packaged by Amanda Conner. Of the New 52 villains, Harley Quinn is definitely one of my favorites. Not just because she female but because she is presented in a genuine light through fantastic writing, emotion and atmosphere.

Of course the art rounds out the comic and makes the presentation complete but this go I am only going to say that Amanda Conner nails it. So much so, I will be checking out her work in Before Watchmen and Power Girl. Hats off to you Ms. Conner for making your mark – I expect to see much-much more form this talent of the comic genre.

Looking for a new series – pickup Harley Quinn – here. And for more on Amanda Conner check her out – here.