About Sinister Tidings

Here you will find a collage of likes and dislikes from RTS’ Spyder Collins. The primary focus is to bring fun and indie flashes of art and not so mainstream artists. There is nothing fancy, revealing, political or otherwise world shaping. Just things, introductions, reminiscing and fun in the world of literature, art and music, to which I hope you enjoy and find some pleasure in.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Rushed - Brian Harmon

I grabbed this only because of the number of reads. Has to be something about it, right? I mean the amount of readership and positive feedback cannot be wrong – well, it was.

As characters go Eric and Isabelle left much to be desired. Eric spent most if his time recounting a dream and telling us about it, as if he was telling a story of his dream and not living the horror that was unfolding around him. Isabelle wasn’t very believable considering the timeframe of the story and the events that unfolded about her.

The plot dragged as the storyline was halted time and time again with tedious explanations of the current events or Eric’s dreams. I think it stands on its own without the constant reminders, over reads and more telling.

For the reader … um … if it catches your fancy, have a read.

For the writer, you will get some sense on killing action and plotting then have a read.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Indie Art Stop - DHOLL

Occasionally while I stir about the web something stops me in my tracks. As I was sampling the darker delights of the web, you know the dark crevices that sulk beneath the casing of your most sinister dreams. I tripped over my own visceral and as I stood, the following struck me.

The art here is absolutely amazing. I am partial to dark art, of course but every so often I find something that just makes me hungry.

There is much to like about the art here – I see an entire world, comic book series, short horror movies, book covers etc.

Go on and explore for yourself.

Find out more about DHOL on the WEB or @ DeviantART - Of course you can social media talent on Twitter and FB

All work is the property of DHOLL and is used here only for purposes of compliment, display and encouragement for you to support the artist.